Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH operates some of the most popular tourism attractions in Austria and is a 100-percent subsidiary of Salzburg AG. Under the brand “5 Treasures”, the company bundles the tourist offers of SchafbergBahn cog railway, WolfgangseeSchiffahrt ferries (Salzkammergut), as well as the FestungsBahn funicular, MönchsbergAufzug lifts and the WasserSpiegel museum (Salzburg City). An additional museum is currently being created in the new valley terminal of the SchafbergBahn, scheduled for completion in spring 2023. The offer is further complemented by two dining establishments (Himmelspforte on the Schafberg, Schafberg valley station) and a leased hotel on the Schafbergspitze. In 2019, the 80 employees of these world-famous Salzburg tourism businesses processed some 3.5 million guests, which in turn generated revenues of 23 million euros.
Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH operates some of the most popular tourism attractions in Austria and is a 100-percent subsidiary of Salzburg AG. Under the brand “5 Treasures”, the company bundles the tourist offers of SchafbergBahn cog railway, WolfgangseeSchiffahrt ferries (Salzkammergut), as well as the FestungsBahn funicular, MönchsbergAufzug lifts and the WasserSpiegel museum (Salzburg City). An additional museum is currently being created in the new valley terminal of the SchafbergBahn, scheduled for completion in spring 2023. The offer is further complemented by two dining establishments (Himmelspforte on the Schafberg, Schafberg valley station) and a leased hotel on the Schafbergspitze. In 2019, the 80 employees of these world-famous Salzburg tourism businesses processed some 3.5 million guests, which in turn generated revenues of 23 million euros.
Über die Salzburg AG Tourismus
Arbeiten mit Ausblick!
Die Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH bringt Besucher:innen zu aussichtsreichen Orten in Salzburg und im Salzkammergut. Als 100-Prozent-Tochter der Salzburg AG betreiben wir mit SchafbergBahn, WolfgangseeSchifffahrt, MönchsbergAufzug, FestungsBahn und dem Museum WasserSpiegel einzigartige Attraktionen. Mit der neuen Talstation der SchafbergBahn entsteht bis Ende 2022 zudem das neue ErlebnisQuartier.
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