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About Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH

Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH operates some of the most popular tourist attractions in Austria and is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Salzburg AG. Under the ‘5 Treasures’ brand, the company bundles the tourist offers of the SchafbergBahn cog railwayWolfgangseeSchiffahrt ferries (Salzkammergut), as well as the FestungsBahn funicularMönchsbergAufzug lifts and the WasserSpiegel museum (Salzburg City). The offer is complemented by two catering establishments - the Himmelspforte on the Schafberg and the Café & Restaurant EQ in the new ErlebnisQuartier of the SchafbergBahn, which will open in 2023 - and a leased hotel on the Schafbergspitze. In 2019, the 80 employees of these world-famous Salzburg tourism businesses processed some 3.5 million guests, which in turn generated revenues of 23 million euros.

Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH operates some of the most popular tourist attractions in Austria and is a 100 per cent subsidiary of Salzburg AG. Under the ‘5 Treasures’ brand, the company bundles the tourist offers of the SchafbergBahn cog railwayWolfgangseeSchiffahrt ferries (Salzkammergut), as well as the FestungsBahn funicularMönchsbergAufzug lifts and the WasserSpiegel museum (Salzburg City). The offer is complemented by two catering establishments - the Himmelspforte on the Schafberg and the Café & Restaurant EQ in the new ErlebnisQuartier of the SchafbergBahn, which will open in 2023 - and a leased hotel on the Schafbergspitze. In 2019, the 80 employees of these world-famous Salzburg tourism businesses processed some 3.5 million guests, which in turn generated revenues of 23 million euros.

Über die Salzburg AG Tourismus

Arbeiten mit Ausblick!

Die Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH bringt Besucher:innen zu aussichtsreichen Orten in Salzburg und im Salzkammergut. Als 100-Prozent-Tochter der Salzburg AG betreiben wir mit SchafbergBahn, WolfgangseeSchifffahrt, MönchsbergAufzug, FestungsBahn und dem Museum WasserSpiegel einzigartige Attraktionen. Mit der neuen Talstation der SchafbergBahn entsteht bis Ende 2022 zudem das neue ErlebnisQuartier.

Wir arbeiten an den schönsten Orten und bieten vielfältigste Arbeitsplätze – von der Lokführerin über die Marketingmanagerin bis hin zum Küchenchef. Aber eines vereint alle: Mit unseren Attraktionen, bestem Service und authentischer Gastfreundschaft wollen wir unseren Gästen unvergessliche Erlebnisse bieten.


Salzburg AG Tourismus GmbH in numbers

  • contentcolumnsitem Employees
  • contentcolumnsitem_1337761591 Attractions
  • contentcolumnsitem_568725189 Million passengers in 2019
  • contentcolumnsitem_2023977423 Locations
  • contentcolumnsitem_676976616 Businesses
  • contentcolumnsitem_1468525862 thousand covered ship kilometers per year

We take you to the most beautiful destinations

Our management

Foto: Salzburg AG/Probst Photographie
Mario Mischelin & Tobias Pürcher

Our 5 treasures

SchafbergBahn cog railway

Standing atop the Schafberg, marvel at one of the most beautiful mountain landscapes in Austria and enjoy a 360° panoramic view of the wonderful Salzkammergut region. With the help of the steepest cog railway in Austria, you will be able to make your way in complete comfort from Wolfgangsee to the summit in just 35 minutes – experiencing breathtaking views as you come around every corner. 

WolfgangseeSchifffahrt ferries

It is generally regarded as one of the most beautiful lakes in Austria: Wolfgangsee. Where the worlds of water and mountains meet, we invite you to embark on a voyage across the lake on 4 modern passenger ships as well as a vintage steamer – in service here since 1873. Whether as hop-on/hop-off transportation, a delectable gourmet cruise or a pirate ship for the youngsters – come on board and relish the once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

MönchsbergAufzug lift

Change your perspective with a ride up the remarkable Mönchsberg, where you will be treated to a marvelous view of the Salzburg historic district. Thanks to the lift, you will be able to escape the bustling city in a matter of seconds, stepping out into a verdant world dotted with impressive lookout points and historic architectural jewels.

FestungsBahn funicular

Enthroned high above the rooftops of the Salzburg historic district is the emblem of this city: Hohensalzburg Fortress. Courtesy of the oldest funicular in Austria, we will carry you quickly and comfortably from the city center up to the fortress. Even during the ride up, you will experience breathtaking views of the city below. 

WasserSpiegel museum

In the midst of the Mönchsberg, the Wasserspiegel Museum invites you to explore an interactive, multimedia exhibition about our most precious natural resource, water. Examine the imposing industrial architecture, gaze at historical exhibits and peek behind the scenes of the public water supply for Salzburg City. 
